Social media today, where this major conglomerate has millions of messages a day running on their servers, is the opposite of the purpose of the home server. Big Data as they call it is the entire purpose of these companies. They can process information, performing studies on their userbase, and with some hell-bent on world […]

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Many people go out and buy an Echo Dot or Google Home device. These devices work decently well for the price, but leave out a lot of customization features that one could get from having a IFTTT server in their home. Using Zigbee it is possible to connect with a wide variety of devices including water […]

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Thank you for checking out Eanix. We are working on something really cool that ties in with awesome-selfhosted, self-hosted podcast, ease of use, and more. The intent of this project is to create what many celebrities and wealthy individuals have, but at a cost that the lower middle class can afford. There are a few […]

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